Thursday, July 8, 2010

July, What?

This going out of town thing is killing me. I have all these fun pictures and no time to post. We just got back from Idaho and I haven't even downloaded my goodies yet. But I feel actual pain when I see a week go by with no new posts. (Okay, not actual pain, but something close.)

So instead of Idaho, you get some leftovers from Washington. We went to a park one day and just played. Pearl was digging the swing.

She is so small, she gets almost lost in that seat, but she seemed to enjoy it.

The girls tackled the tire swing, which made me almost sick just watching.

Tyler would spin them at a supersonic velocity and they would scream with glee. I remember doing something similar at that age, but long gone are those days.

We all took a turn swinging somewhere.

How hot is this Daddy, and how awesome is her hair...always.

Sometimes you just got to unwind and let your hair down.

Hope you all had a great Fourth!

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