Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Two Hot to Handle

Daisy turned two the day we left for Martin's Cove. (And those pictures will come eventually, I promise.) We did not do an ounce of celebrating beforehand because we were too busy packing and planning for the epic trek. Plus, Daisy had no idea it was her birthday.

Even when we celebrated a few days later, she was still not quite sure what was going on. We got her some balloons. (Two, as per tradition.)

June is getting good enough at the piano that she accompanied Dad in playing Happy Birthday. (That right there made all the lessons worth it so far.)

In the evening we opened presents, which were very Daisy specific.

She loves babies.

She has one that she packs around and she is always asking to change her diaper. So this time around, we got her a baby that comes with diapers.

June got her a high chair, Robyn got her a change of clothes, and Ivory got her a new stroller.

Daisy was in baby heaven.

Although I really think her favorite present was the new bike. (Since I may have run over the old one with the car. Oops.) Tyler made her close her eyes before the big reveal.

She still isn't sure how to use the pedals, but she knows it is hers and she loves it all the same.

My favorite part of her birthday was probably my total laziness when it came to the cake. I had made a cake the day before, so I wasn't really thrilled with the idea of making two cakes back-to-back. So I grabbed some of those packaged brownies, and it made the perfect little cake for the Dais.

I didn't even feel guilty. She ate the sprinkles first and in this picture you can see why we haven't done the birthday photo shoot yet. We are waiting for those darn mosquito bites to heal from the trek.

And now she is officially two. She has been acting two for quite a while, but the girls keep reminding me that she wasn't there yet. Now, even she can tell you that she is two. Unless she is being a stinker and then she will tell you she is 'free'. I tried to get her to hold up two fingers and this is the best we got.

Love you little duck.


  1. And a sweet little duck she is! Happy Birthday!

  2. Happy B-day Daisy! Wow, how fast they grow, huh? She is cute in every picture :)
    BTW, I love your new blog look :)

  3. Darling little peanut, she is. Happy birthday, Daisy!

  4. Love it. Love the new blog header, the pictures, the two year old, the babies, the "lazy cake", all of it.

  5. Happy birthday! I love the baby stuff. Sounds like she had a great time.
