Friday, August 27, 2010

Soap Box?

I was going to make a Wordless Wednesday post with just the kids' backpack pictures, but as usual I have something to say concerning the matter. (Oh, and I never posted this I guess. I had it all queued to go and then I forgot to hit publish. Classic Maleen.)

Apparently I have issues with the first day of school fashion trends. I was like any other child, and I carefully picked my outfit for the first day of school. We didn't have a lot of money growing up, so I only got one or two new outfits each year when school started. I picked the one I liked most and would wear it on the first day of school.

Fast forward twenty plus years and I am sending my little chicks out the door. We don't have money to finance new duds for everyone. Most clothes are passed from one child to the next, and like I have said before, they don't mind. So I have been very careful NOT to make a big deal about what you wear on the first day. I haven't mentioned clothing at all. We talk about books, and pencil boxes, where you will sit and what bus to take home, but never what to wear.

Robyn was the first to wake up. Tyler, trying to get her up and rolling (and not knowing my opinions beforehand) says to her first thing, "What do you want to wear on your first day of school?" I held my breathe and then smiled as her sleepy reply came, "A shirt and pants." Good choice Robyn.

Both girls dressed on their own as usual and I approved of both simple outfits. Robyn went off to school and then a neighbor girl came to get June. I kid you not, that the first words out of her mouth when she came in the door and saw June were, "Is that what you are going to wear?"

"Sure," June said and didn't seem to care either way, or even notice that her friend was dressed in a new ensemble complete with matching sash. If only that attitude would last forever. Sadly I know that the older they get, the more influenced they will be by their friends 'casual' comments. I hope they can always feel comfortable being themselves and not wearing a label or a name brand. On the flip side, I don't think I would mind if they want to dress up special for school as long as they realize that clothes don't make the person, that what lies beneath is inherently more important.

But enough of my soap box. The girls had a great day. Robyn left earlier.

I wonder when my kids will finally grow into their backpacks?

June on the other hand didn't even have a backpack because the neighbor girl had already taken it to save her place in line. (Twenty minutes early.)

I guess we will have the lesson about 'it-doesn't-matter-if-you're-first' next week.

May all your kids enjoy their time back at school.


  1. Was Ivory jealous? Or is she looking forward to pre-school so much that she doesn't mind? You sure have cute kids!

  2. It really doesn't matter what kids are wearing on that first day because their faces are just shiny and happy with eager anticipation! I felt the same this year as we got the normal tennis shoes and jeans (the two things that endlessly wear out.) And hopefully as kids get older their friends comments will be a tad more controlled and considerate as well. I mean, kids are kids and all but you know, people mature...most people. The girls are darling. And I hope they never grow into their backpacks because it will mean that they are old and grown up and I just want to eat up these little elementary school kids...which sounds way scarier than I mean it to.
