Sunday, August 1, 2010

Stylist in Training

I admit that with five girls, I do not always get everyone's hair done for church. Today was no different and I think I got three out of five looking mostly presentable. June's hair was just down, which is how she prefers it anyway.

During the first meeting, she asked me for some hairties, but I didn't think much of it. Until I saw this.

She was leaving Sacrament Meeting and I saw her hair and asked, "Um, what's with the hair?" Her response, "I did it."

You certainly did, June. Maybe not the way I would have done it, but nonetheless, there is a unique style to it. She experimented with other dos when we got home.

I think she has potential, but I will make sure to do her hair first next Sunday.


  1. I have a sister in law with four girls (and a boy). A few years ago we had a family talent show where she started some music, lined the girls up and did all of their hair in under 2 minutes. It was fantastic. I aspire to be like her.

  2. I love this look! It takes practice, practice, practice to learn how to do hair, especially your own. Sometimes I think doing someone else's is easier!
