Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Pearl is six months now. She's a keeper. For the record, she is gaining weight like a champ. After bringing in the big guns (formula), she was 14.1 lbs at her last check-up. Not too shabby in my book. We are still trying to find the best formula, but she is patient and will drink most anything we put in her bottle.

She is a momma's girl. I can handle that. She blows tons of raspberries and sits in her bouncer and kicks until the cows come home. Man that girl can kick. Happily, those strong little legs have not figured out how to crawl yet, and I would like her to wait for another month or so. Daisy is enough trouble without another little mobile body in the house.

Other things to note: Her eyes are brown now. So goes the last hope of my ever having a blue eyed child. (Guess I have to wait for the grand kids.) She loves the outdoors and bath time. If you ever need to calm her down, those will do the trick. When winter really gets here, I guess we will have to use the tub method more often.