Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Fair Well

Ah yes, that time of year again. Time to smash all the piggy banks and spend every last coin at the Fair. We did have a good time, but I was appalled at how pricey everything was. So I went back and read my fair post from two years ago, and apparently I was appalled back then as well. Not much has changed. I'll break it down for you.

High: I entered something in the fair this year and it was fun to hunt and find it. It was in the last aisle we tried. A nice lady looked at my girls and said, "Can you find the fairies and the mermaids?"

"We are looking for the mermaids, " they all eagerly replied. That threw her off for a minute until she realized I had stitched them. She was telling all the little girls to find the mermaids. I won a first place ribbon, which I think is six bucks prize winnings. That almost pays for one person's admission.

Low: Not much to hunt through really.There were some excellent pieces there, but I wish more people would participate. I sorta wish they would combine the 'creative arts' with the 'home arts' but perhaps they don't have a building large enough for both. Just a thought.

High: The girls LOVED the rides. June has finally reached the glorious height of 48" which allowed her free reign of the thrill options. She took up the torch and braved some whoppers, by herself mind you. Here is the flying ride. She looks so tiny on it.

She also rode the Gravitron thingy. (You know, the one where it spins you inside until you are lifted off the ground.) You couldn't pay me to go on that thing anymore, but she thought it was cool. I can't wait for the other girls to get taller, so she has some company.

Tyler took the job of chaperone for any children who still needed adult supervision.

And some rides they can do themselves.

Daisy went on one ride and only because we had some leftover tickets. She didn't seem to mind watching the majority of the time.

Lows: Ivory really wanted to ride the bigger rides, but she is just so tiny. She got turned away at the first height stick and she cried. I tried to explain that I felt her pain and had to wait many years myself to go on the good rides. We walked through the kiddie-ride section, but she was not fooled. She finally opted for the Tilt-a-Whirl, and I think she got her money's worth.

During the ride festivities I did manage to lose Daisy once. There is no describing the panic that grips you, when you turn around and can't find a child in that first sweeping glance. And the longer it takes to find the child, the faster the hysteria builds. It probably only took me a minute and a half to find her, but that is plenty long in my book.

High: I was such a smart mom this time around. I brought food to the fair. Genius I tell you. I fed the kids dinner and no one was telling me they were hungry.

We did buy some treats because that is half the fun of the fair. June ate almost an entire funnel cake by herself. She probably could have eaten the whole thing if her mom had stopped snitching.

Low: Some of the girls lost their privilege to have a treat. (Yep, I am that mean mom who follows through on punishments.) We bought them pity fries, but hopefully they learned their lesson.

Low: I don't think Pearl loved the fair. She likes to be held and she doesn't like sleeping on the go. So she cranked in the stroller and fussed until she finally passed out.

Poor kiddo. Maybe she will like it better next year. If there is a next year. Luckily for her, between now and then, I will forget how expensive it is and probably just remember those happy smiles.


  1. you are my hero. I cannot wait to see you guys. Love ya.

  2. That cross stitch is gorgeous. I am the shortest one in my family. It was not fair going to theme parks with my family and having my younger brother be tall enough to go on rides and not me. I feel Ivory's pain. Its hard to wait for the real fun.

  3. I just knew your cross-stitch would win! Yeah, the competition might not be as tough, but when you put in something that won Grand Champion at a huge fair like the one in Puyallup, it's bound to do well. When the girls are older, we'll have to see if we can figure out a way to get them over here for our fair. I think they'd really enjoy it. Poor Ives. I'm with you that I don't want to go on those kinds of rides any more, but it's tough to watch others when you can't participate. Maybe she'll have a growth spurt this year and be able to go on rides next year.
