Thursday, September 23, 2010

I Love to See

Ivory decided after out latest visit that she is going to get married here. I am fine with that. I admit that the only reason we came was to retrieve my crosstitch from the fair, and it being Monday night, it seemed a good time to visit the temple. We really should come more often since it is so beautiful. It was twilight by the time we got to the temple, so we didn't even stay long, but we enjoyed every moment there.

The reflection pool is always a big hit.

The sun was setting leaving a pink tint to the sky. The Conference Center looked gorgeous. Can't wait to come next week.

Although fall is definitely in the air, the nights have still been nice, evidenced by the fact that I just can't seem to put socks on my baby. I promise that I will start doing it soon. Maybe.

Pearl enjoyed the trip. Here is Tyler kissing on her. Doesn't she look bored. What a stinker.

As we were leaving, I snagged this silhouette picture. The girls are so cute.

And then I grabbed this one with a flash. I love it because Ivory looks hysterical and Robyn has red eye. I can't even remember the last picture I took that had red eye.

I really am glad that families are forever. I kinda like mine.


  1. Ivory informed me on Sunday when she was sitting with us that she was going to marry Stephen in the temple one day. We thought it was pretty cute! :)

  2. BEAUTIFUL pictures Maleen! I love the Salt Lake temple! Probably one of my favorite places in the world!

  3. What a fun activity. I think it's important to let your kids spend time at the temple and know how special it is. I about died when I saw your girls in short sleeves and capris! I forget that the rest of the world is normal. We've already got ice on our puddles and canals.

  4. What a fun activity. I think it's important to let your kids spend time at the temple and know how special it is. I about died when I saw your girls in short sleeves and capris! I forget that the rest of the world is normal. We've already got ice on our puddles and canals.
