Thursday, November 18, 2010

The Middle Child

Thanksgiving that is. Sometimes I feel sorry for poor Thanksgiving crammed between those commercialized holidays of Halloween and Christmas. Not that they don't promote shopping for Thanksgiving as well. There is always the feast to prepare, and don't forget black friday. Anyway, back to the current rant.

I feel that after the costumes and sugar highs, you need a week or so to get back to normal, and then suddenly, you are making pumpkin pie cheesecake and visiting the family. I love traditions, but it seems we don't get enough thank yous in before everybody reverts to 'greedy-me' at Christmas time.

I need to think of some activities that we can do throughout the month. It helps that the kids keep bringing home cute Thanksgiving projects. Ivory's turkey:

Robyn's Indian Corn:

June's turkey: (His body is the outline of her feet, and his wings are her hands.)

Even Daisy got in the spirit, sampling some cranberries while I made cranberry orange bread. She didn't seem to mind that they were tart.

I am thankful every day for my family, but it is nice to have extra moments to focus on them. If you have any traditions that you can't do without, I would love to hear them.

1 comment:

  1. I love may just be my favorite holiday (I mean, one that centers around a big feast, how can you go wrong?) But I love the bounty of fall, the crispness and coziness and the focus on gratitude. Cute crafts.
