Wednesday, November 3, 2010

This Could Be the Beginning of a Beautiful Friendship

Yesterday was voting day. I hope you all went out and did your duty as a responsible citizen. Tyler and I both believe in voting but we don't always agree about WHOM to vote for. So we just don't talk about it. There have been the rare conversations that go like this:

Me: Who'd you vote for?

Tyler: Who'd you vote for?

Me: You tell me first.

Tyler: No, you.

Trust me, they were about that mature.

Yesterday I knew a few people I wanted to vote for, but I didn't know everyone on the ballot. I hadn't yet perused the voter pamphlet (my bad). Tyler came home after voting and I said to him:

Me: Who'd you vote for so I know who to choose.

Tyler: (pause) Very tricky. You almost got me to tell you who I voted for.

Me: No, I'm serious.

This led to an actual conversation about which candidates we liked, who we thought would do a good job, as well as those who probably didn't have a shot at all. It was like two grown-ups discussing politics. I'm so proud of us. It only took ten+ years of marriage. Who said you can't teach old dogs new tricks.

p.s. More people than usual came out to vote at our precinct. The little old ladies who take your name were wired. They kept ringing a bell every time another 25 people came through. I don't think they have seen so much action in a while.


  1. I love that you had a grown-up conversation about politics. I don't think that will EVER happen in our marriage. Our conversations are just non-existent. He doesn't seem to care. He is nice enough to sit quietly, pretending to listen, when I talk about it though.

    I drove out to Vineyard yesterday to vote. I was hoping to see some exciting people from good ol' V2, but no one else was there at the time. Oh well.

  2. I had the cutest little old ladies that were helping us in line yesterday at the voting polls. They love their job so much. I love to vote because of them.

  3. I also had the cutest old ladies helping me! What is it about voting that brings them out?

  4. I think you'll find it is fun discussing politics with each other. Karli and I do it all the time but we also agree about practically everything. We even volunteered to help campaign this year.

    Too bad in Oregon we have to vote by mail or drop our ballot off. Not as fun as going to a polling place and meeting nice old ladies.

  5. I really love that photo of you two! It's frame worthy. I also heard the voting bell. I'm glad you are making your way through the politics discussion. Just don't go and get TOO grown up!
