Tuesday, November 9, 2010

You Get an F

I had something I wanted to finish posting on, but I don't have it ready for this evening. So instead I went searching through my pictures because there is always something interesting in there. And here is the winner for today.

This picture makes me laugh because there are so many things wrong with it. My friend had taken this cute picture of her kids' feet lined up and I wanted one like it. Well, it didn't go quite as planned. Pearl wouldn't keep her feet down. Neither would Daisy. The light was coming from the wrong direction. For some odd reason, Ivory was naked, hence the editing. I'm not sure what I was thinking, but this picture was a 'fail' in my book. However, looking back at it, I really enjoy all the foibles.


  1. Yeah, with kids I guess we have nothing to do but embrace the foibles. It's an adorable picture.

  2. I love it! Also, I took home the YW binder...sorry!!! I'll get it to you on Sunday.
