Monday, December 17, 2012

I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus

This holiday season is a great one. But I haven't had a lot of chances to sit down at the computer. However, tonight warrants a post.

A friend of mine told me about FotoFlySanta. A simple, yet fantastic idea. Twenty-five dollars, five minute session, dad can dress as Santa. Wonderful photos. It seemed too good to be true. I envisioned how they would look, and they were even better than expected. We will definitely be doing this again. They even give you a flash drive with your photos and will do prints for cheap on site. Seriously, we had a great experience.

I mean, look at the cuteness.

Who is that masked Santa?

Oh, what a hottie. No wonder Mom was kissing on him.

We took the Front Runner train up to Thanksgiving Point, where FotoFly was. The kids hadn't been on the new train yet, and that was fun. Except for the part where the train stop was not really that close to Thanksgiving Point. Sure, you can see the tower, but it would not be a friendly walk.

It was raining (freezing rain) and I was really worried about how we were going to get five kids where we needed to be. And then the nicest bus driver came along. He told us where we could go to wait for the right bus, and then the spirit of Christmas overtook him and he told us to get on and he drove us all the way to our destination. What a charitable man. I'm sure the cuteness of the five girls factored in. I would have a hard time turning down such sweet little cherubs. I mean, go back and look at those photos. And take a moment to bless that saint of a bus driver.

Tyler actually made the return trip by himself and then drove back and got us...all while I entertained the kids and waited for our photos to be edited.

We saw an ice sculpture being done by chainsaw. The reindeer were looking fine. I told the kids I felt bad that they were in the rain, but the kids pointed out that's where "Rain"deer were supposed to be. Ha ha. Funny kids.

The only really sad thing was that June was NOT feeling well. Yep, I am that mother who knew that we wouldn't have another good opportunity so I dragged my child out while she had a fever. No one can say that I don't have the Christmas spirit. And she was such a trooper. I still feel bad about it. Until I look at those pictures again. (Don't worry, we kept her nice and warm and didn't make her move around much.)

We hope you are all enjoying your holiday experiences. We still have a few fun things planned. You know, besides the whole Christmas extravaganza. See you soon...


  1. What a cute idea. And I would be happy to drive that little group of cuties around too.

  2. Seems very appropriate that I would read this blog while it's snowing outside. Nothing that's going to stick (thank goodness) as I am driving to work tonight. Great pictures! You can't tell June isn't feeling well. Sorry you didn't post a picture of the 'rain'deer.

  3. Very cute photos. That was an awesome idea :)

  4. That is a great idea, and those photos are awesome!
