Saturday, January 12, 2013

Christmas Traditions

In case you couldn't tell, this is another post about last year. (I figured the word Christmas might give that away.) Don't worry folks, we are getting through and hopefully I will have finished off last year before the end of January. (Let's hope so.)

It seems that every year, we try something new, or forget something we planned to do. (Like, we have missed seeing the lights at Temple Square for three years running, although it is always on our list.) We added in Fotofly this year, and I really enjoyed that. We didn't read as many stories or watch as many movies although we snuck in a few.

We almost forgot to do our Christmas Puzzle. I bought it months before and then stashed it away and only found it a few days before Christmas. I bought a 300 piece puzzle because I wanted the girls to be able to help more than in previous years.

Well, I shouldn't have worried. They put the whole thing together in less than two hours. I helped them start it, then took Ivory to gymnastics, and by the time I got home, it was almost all finished. Tyler and I finished it up while I made dinner.

Note to self: 500 pieces or more for sure from now on. Also, I think we should do more than one puzzle a year. The girls really enjoy it, so I might add them in more frequently. Maybe we'll do one for Valentine's day. And I already found one for Halloween. (It was 75% off. I had to buy it.)

Another tradition that we didn't miss this year was our annual caroling. I really love this tradition. We always go with the Neilsen's and then invite a couple other families. Then we all choose some people to visit, pack up some goodies plates, and off we go.

It was a chilly night, so we bundled up. Here are the Macbean's who came with us this year, and even brought their new baby. (She stayed in the car.)

We didn't get a family photo of the Moses' but here are most of the boys. (You can barely see cute baby Alex.)

Tyler was in charge of the camera, and I thought it was funny that he took pictures of the people we caroled to, instead of the people caroling. There are quite a few shots of surprised people in doorways. I don't really think it is fair to post those pictures because I don't always look my best when I answer the door randomly, but I will post these two.

This one, because it was the best picture I had of the Neilsen's. (Namely Camille and Cannon.) And also, Sis. Coomes knew we were coming, so she not only looked fabulous, but had cookies for us as well. (Maybe in the future, I should tell everyone we are coming.)

This picture I included because I think Tara's hair is just so darn cute. Not everyone looks great with short hair, but she pulls it off brilliantly. (It makes me really want to chop my locks, but it isn't time yet.)

And finally, here is our family all ready to carol. Daisy asked after the Christmas season was over, why no one came to sing to us. I told her that not many people carol anymore, but our family would as long as we could.

One last tradition that I tried out this year was Grinch Night. It, okay. The Hulse's came over and they even dressed for the evening. I can't believe I didn't get my camera out. Boo. But other than that, I decided that watching the Grinch didn't need extra treats at the end. After all, Christmas doesn't come from a store. So, it is an event that probably won't become a tradition, but it is always fun to try something new.


  1. What fun Christmas traditions! I am a little disappointed that you guys didn't come caroling at our door but I will forgive you... haha I am totally kidding!!!

    BTW you look so cute in that last pic with the grey hat! ;)

  2. Oops that comment above was from me... i guess I wasn't signed in! ;)

  3. How fun! I always think I'll like caroling, until I'm 2 houses in, cold, and just want to go home. You guys just look so cute all bundled up.

  4. We were going to go caroling, but nobody felt that well, and the last thing I needed was to start making a bunch of goodies that we would end up eating a lot of ourselves. However, I remember caroling with you when you were younger, and I'm glad you're carrying on. It'd not really a 'tradition' because I can't imagine Grandma and Grampaul caroling, but it's still fun - isn't it?
