Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Eve, Christmas, And the Day After

I was just thinking today that all those good memories associated with Christmas don't really come from getting presents. After all, we forget so quickly what we got. I mean, name four things you got for Christmas in 10 seconds. Ready, go.

If you did it, I'm impressed, but chances are (if you are like me) you named maybe two things, then had to stop and think harder. Presents certainly bring good feelings, but those are lumped in with the general joy and happiness of Christmas. Even looking back at these pictures, I can feel the warmth of the season, and the thrill of Christmas Eve and morning. 

I think if there were no presents, we wouldn't have quite as much anticipation, but hopefully we would still feel the peace that comes with giving and serving our fellowmen and remembering the Savior's birth and life.

On Christmas Eve, we did our own little version of the nativity. We are woefully short of boys, so we had to fill in where we could. But the story is still true and great.

Then we did our traditional pajamas. Everyone had something to open.

Some people inspected how they would look in their new duds. 

And then everyone got ready for bed and pounced on mom. But I don't mind being buried under a pile of girls in pjs.

Luckily for the kids, it seemed Santa came in the night. 

There was something for every child and even a game for the family. I love this picture for some reason.

Everyone was very excited and we did the usual opening stockings, and eating breakfast. All the kids received socks, but we thought June's were pretty funny.

Then we got into the rest of the gifts. Everyone seemed to find something they liked.

Pearl was so happy with her stroller from Santa and baby doll from Mom and Dad.

June got a gift from her best friend. (Or maybe you can tell.)

I got dice. :)

And a new comforter for the bed. I snuck off to put it on my bed right away.  

The Easel from Santa was a big hit. Robyn didn't want to erase it, but we convinced her that a picture would last forever. (And she did try to stay up to see Santa, but she only lasted until 10:00pm)

We got some other fun things like this Disney Tree from my parents. The girls loved to watch the princesses dance around and the trains circle the tree. 

The day was very relaxed, just playing games and enjoying new toys. I love this snowman Robyn made with her bubber. I  think he looks like Despicable Me.

Even Moxy had a merry Christmas. After I changed the sheets on our bed, Tyler let her snuggle into the laundry. Moxy loves to sleep in the laundry but I usually don't let her, but it was Christmas after all... 

Dinner was an experiment. I tried my hand at making a tree out of crescent rolls, since they come in triangles. It was pretty good.

We didn't have a fancy Christmas dinner until the next evening when Grandma and Grandpa Cazier came over. I must have been cooking because Tyler didn't take pictures of what I wanted...namely the cute place cards the girls made and the fun napkins with candy canes and tiny Martinelli's with ornaments tied to them. It was pretty fancy shmancy for us. But even without a lot of pictures, the company was fantastic and we had an enjoyable evening. 

Grandma and Grandpa actually brought another whole Christmas with them.

The highlight was probably Tyler's knit viking hat. We decided he looked like a Norse Santa. He would chuckle and say, "You have fun with that." (Makes me laugh just thinking about it.)

It was such a fun Christmas. It was very fun for Grandpa and Grandma Cazier to visit. We don't get many visitors our way this time of year.

By this point, Christmas is quite gone and behind us, but I hope you still have fond memories of your loved ones and the memories you shared.


  1. Your family is such a fun one to keep track of. It looks like you had a wonderful Christmas and I have my fingers crossed (my eyes too) that we can join you for your next Christmas. I'm glad the Disney tree was a hit, but I have to admit that I'd really like to see it myself. I hope it will be brought out every Christmas. When you do your Nativity next year, I can be the Ox!

  2. There is no where to comment on your
    "2013 intentions" so I'll have to settle for posting it here. They sound great. That's all. I have so many I can't really even focus on anything so I'm thinking about revisiting those "intentions" to better reflect the probability of them.
