Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Reflections 2012

Some years I get involved and make sure the girls do something for Reflections. This last year...not so much. I told them what the theme was and that I was available if they wanted help with anything. I don't think anything would have been entered if June's teacher hadn't required it from each of her students. June, upon learning that, dutifully wrote a poem.

It didn't take her long, and I was actually quite pleased with how it turned out. Here it is:
And I am copying it here because sometimes the blog book pictures are not large enough: (You don't need to read it twice, unless you really want to.)

Magic Moments
by June M. Cazier
The magic of a moment
Isn't always unicorns.
It can be most anything just
Let imaginations soar.
It can be a rainbow
Or a little child's birth.
It can be a ladybug
On flowers here on Earth.
It can be a candy cane
Or an Olympic medal.
A hundred thousand fifty dollars
Or a flower pedal.
A present that you wanted
From your cousin Tom.
It could be your favorite book
Or a new pet dog.
Oh, the magic of the moment
Can be fairies or a horse.
Yes, the magic of a moment
Can be anything, of course.

Pretty good huh? And then I forgot all about it, because it takes a while for Reflections to get judged. When we got back from Thanksgiving, June found a trophy waiting for her at school. We thought that was pretty cool. And I meant to blog about it, but it is a good thing I forgot, because after Christmas break, we got another note saying June had gotten an Honorable Mention from the next level. (I officially don't know what they call each level, but it is the next level up from the individual schools.)

So we attended an evening to honor the kids. Here is June receiving her ribbon.

June's best friend was there too. Hannah likes to enter almost every category of Reflections, and since some of them are less popular, Hannah did really well. She went up three or four times and left with an armful of trophies. (To be clear, I am sure Hannah's entries are good. She doesn't just win because no one enters. Except maybe dance. Does anyone else enter that one?)

Now you can see where June's goal of entering multiple Reflection's categories comes from. But I don't think it is a bad goal.

At home, June showed me her trophy and ribbon. 

The creative gene seems to run in the family. She probably gets it from Grandma Dargan. 

Oh, and this would be a good place to mention that Ivory was honored at school as well. She reads with the 2nd grade teacher instead of in her own class, and the teacher often gives her assignments to read a book and do a small report. She was asked to read one of those reports in Monday Morning Meeting. (Which means in front of the whole school.) I don't think it was the content of the report that was stellar, but just that she was reading so well. But you already knew she was a good reader. 

This is her on the night of June's Reflection award. I told her she couldn't eat any popcorn off the floor, but she could have any she found stuck to her jacket. It took her a minute, but she found it.

So, enough bragging for one evening. I do love my kids though. And I am proud of each of their accomplishments.

1 comment:

  1. What great little kids. And to enter Reflections, I always wanted to do that, I'm glad they get to!
