Sunday, February 24, 2013

Pass of All Passes

Yes, we broke down and bought the pass of all passes. Actually, we broke down way back in October, but we're finally getting around to activating our passes of all passes. I must say, if we use these passes more than two or three times, we'll probably get our money's worth. (Now, who's betting that we'll actually use them enough?)

We've got a Humphries that visits us every month and wonders why we don't go play laser tag with him. We finally bit the bullet laser and scheduled a trip out to the laser tag arena in Lehi. Of course, we missed the appointment, but we promptly rescheduled. And we made it the second time. We had loads of fun!

Mostly the girls were enamored of the rock wall, this of course being their first time out of the watchful gaze of mamma bear who says something along the lines of, "@#%& No! You're NOT going anywhere near that death wall! Now eat your Brussels sprouts and be thankful I've only beaten you twice this morning! Better yet, go do your extra math homework, you haven't completed the unit on quantum mechanics yet." Ok, she hasn't said most of those things...

Anyway, the hits were the rock wall, laser tag, and the Frogger ride—in that order. Here's some evidence of our fun:

June on the rock wall. She was the first to tackle it. Other children liked the idea.

I think Daisy was stuck to this chair. She was in it for about 30 minutes. Up. Down. Up. Down. Up. get it.

June, descending, her favorite part.

Ivory attacking the wall. Robyn is also scaling—but that picture didn't turn out.

Still stuck to the chair.

Ivory (and some other inconsequential person) climbing the wall.

We didn't get any pictures of laser tag, since we were too busy annihilating the other team. They've got pretty good gear up there. Maybe the next January Laser Tag Epic Birthday Event will take place in Lehi? I guess we'll see.


  1. Looks like you all had a great time, but I have to admit that a pass would probably be wasted on me. The rocks would probably crack off under my weight if I was imprudent enough to try to climb. I don't think I'd fit in the Frogger Chair, and I've already mentioned how lame I would be at laser tag. But I certainly would enjoy watching everybody else!

  2. The Lehi place is so fun! We bought Pass of all Passes last year and used them...once. So really, it didn't pay for itself at all. Hopefully you'll use them a lot!

  3. Our passes (that we bought it August) are still un-activated. Maybe we can plan a family fun night with you guys to inspire us!
