Thursday, April 11, 2013

Breaking Into Spring

We had plans for Spring Break, and then we didn't. Then we made some more plans, and they fell through. So, we decided on 'Plan C', the official don't-have-a-plan-plan. Tyler still took some days off from work, and that immediately makes things special. The girls feel so spoiled when he is around during the day.

Thursday was beautiful, so we went to the zoo. The only problem with that, is that it was Spring Break. So, crowds and craziness were expected. But, we have our membership to use up, so besides gas, it was a free trip.

Daisy was especially glad Dad was there, and she let him show her the sights.

The big elephant wasn't misting anyone this time around, but Pearl still wasn't going anywhere near it.

I was prepared with snacks, water, and lunch. (I've done this enough times to know that without those things, the zoo gets old fast.)

I finally saw the otters. (First time.) And the armadillos were so cute. We watched them for a good eight minutes. (That is an eternity in zoo time.)

The kids were well behaved and cute. We only had minor moments where they wandered off. I wonder when that feeling of panic, when I can't find them, will leave? When they are 16, 18, 35?

We found a good shady spot for lunch. Must remember the Cat Wok Cafe for good seating and a show. Okay, the show was put on by Ivory. She was pretty good at flinging her water bottle up and catching it again.

When we reached the giraffes, June remembered there was a heart spot on one. We scoped out this giraffe and were trying to decide which spot it was.

We saw him from the other side, and checked out the mom, but we still weren't sure.

Then June spotted this guy!

Here is a close up. No doubt this time.

The mom and baby sure were cute. And the Zoo is building a new African Safari area. Which means lots of construction for a while. I don't think we will renew our membership this year. Perhaps the following year.

While visiting the giraffes, Daisy was riding on Tyler's shoulders. A ladybug landed on his head. We had to take a picture, because they are lucky.

And I am pretty lucky. I love hanging out this these guys.

Other Spring break festivities included:

Sleeping In
Arguing Some
Trying not to do chores (unsuccessfully)
Miniature Golf (it was indoor and dark, so this is all the evidence you get)

Reading together (love that Ivory rocks at reading)

Board Games

General Conference was great.We chilled as a family and listened to the talks. We did some activities to keep us busy.

Others took notes. (June had pages of notes!!)

And when it was all over, there was a bit of this.

Wait, what I meant was, after it was all over, we compared notes at dinner, and I was amazed how much the kids remembered. They mentioned quotes, and stories. It was awesome. I think they listened. I can't wait to reread the talks and discuss them again with the kids. We are so blessed to have a living prophet and such righteous, wise men and women to lead the church.

So, all in all, it was a great Spring Break. Nothing fancy, but that is not what matters. What matters is spending time together. I think we all enjoyed it.


  1. See it?

    [Giraffe butt] [Giraffe butt] [Giraffe butt].

    Oh, ya, I can see it.

  2. I always think the zoo is so much fun, and I haven't been in such a long time. This makes me want to go, you guys having had so much fun.
