Sunday, May 12, 2013

Five Reasons I Love Being a Mother

I had a great Mother's Day today. I wish this holiday didn't bring sadness to some people. It makes me want to hold back on my own joy, but that seems pointless. This doesn't mean that I don't feel for those who have lost mothers, not been mothers themselves, or have feelings of loss associated with this day. It just means that I really love my children (as I should) and I want to express my gratitude.

This morning I got lots of letters of love from each of the children. I should really post some on here, but I didn't get as far as taking pictures of each of the cards. (And Ivory had four different letters. Either her class at school went overboard or she was overachieving at home. Or a mix of both. You can never tell with that one.)

Tyler got me a new phone a few days ago as an early present. is my favorite gift, but only because it is so useful. But right behind it, I love the gifts the girls got me. June got a lavendar bush from school, and Ivory got me a pansy. (Yes, I will probably kill both of these plants in less than a week. Should we take bets? I even declined a flower at church today, figuring I will have enough guilt with two plants dying slowly.) The girls also got me a neat scarf and an awesome belt. I didn't take a picture of the scarf, but here is the belt.

This really is a good gift, because I only have one belt that I ever wear. Oh, and Tyler bought me new jeans because my others finally got holes in them. I live in jeans. Every. Day. It is not creative, but I don't really care. Tyler snapped this picture because there's an 'M' on the back pockets.

Okay, that is not why he snapped the picture, but we try to keep it clean here on the blog. :)

The best part of the day was NO meetings. It was a FREE Sunday. Sorry, we did go to church...I mean no extra meetings. Huzzah! I got to play with the my kids all day. We watched a movie. (Not technically allowed on Sunday, but when do I ever have time like this?)

We played games, and went for a fun walk down by the river. (Pictures for another post.) I almost took a nap. Tyler made all the meals. I was seriously spoiled. I even received some impromptu tattoos.

Oh, but I need to give you those five reasons. I'm sure you already guessed them. (It isn't a very clever title.) I picked up the camera and walked around the house and took a picture of each of my loves.

What a great Mother's Day. And, of course, a shout out to my own mother. She is awesome. I only wish she lived closer so I could give her a gift on time instead of mailing them late. (Again.) I know I put her through some doozies while I was growing up. I'm hoping I am a bit easier to handle now that I live hundreds of miles away and technically Tyler has to deal with all my foibles. Love you Mom.


  1. I love the cards and the flowers and the pictures of your adorable littles, I even love that your husband snapped a picture of your bum. Hooray for happy days of loving being where you are!!!

  2. Love the "M" picture. Very clever. (:

  3. My mother's day was much more subdued and had a lot of sleeping it in - but I WAS allowed to make dinner for everybody. I settled on Grog, which is always a favorite around here; although we had to explain to Mike Allen what Grog is as he had preconceived ideas about it!

  4. Those are some great gifts! And so great to have a free Sunday to enjoy your family on this holiday.

  5. Love the M as well but more I wish I had your perky bum. I have a granny bum. You are amazing mom. Glad you had such wonderful day.
