Monday, July 29, 2013

Our Big Graduate

Graduate, you say? In the middle of summer? Sure, why not?

This graduation may have happened a couple months ago, but since the stores are filled with back-to-school paraphernalia, I thought you would all enjoy a school-themed post. (Or perhaps I am just now catching up. Take your pick.)

Daisy is our fourth child to attend the Itty Bitty Bruins. I still love the program as much as when June went through. It has changed just a little as the director from those days got married and moved on. A lovely Miss Patterson runs the program now and it was just as fun. The graduation felt different since they held it in the theater and it was darker, but the kids still felt special. (Read: Terrible lighting.)

Miss Sarah helped Daisy don her cap and gown.

I feel terrible that I do not know who this is with Daisy. They shared the same buddy, Miss Sarah, because there were not enough students to teach the preschoolers, but I can't remember her name. But they were cute.

Love Daisy's argyle leggings.

Miss Patterson put together a very cute slide show and all the kids sat on the stage. Bet you can find Daisy.

They still received a scrapbook from their buddy, (which is my favorite part) but they were all different. Each buddy chose their own kind. Daisy's was actually quite huge.

Here's Daisy in the classroom with her Buddy Scrapbook.

And I had to get one of her with Miss Sarah of course. She was a great buddy for my Daisy.

Another fun year down. Can't believe we only have one more to go through the program.

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