Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Pioneer Day

Pioneer day is a bonus holiday in Utah; that my husband does not get off from work. I'm not complaining, because obviously lots of people still work on holidays, but I find it ironic that he works for banks and banks ALWAYS get the holidays off. Of course, he works for banks outside of Utah as well, and they are at work, really, I'll just get over it.

I just like to include Tyler in our family adventures and that doesn't always happen. In this case, there was a new 5K event started this year that will most likely become an annual event. It was called the Temple to Temple Race and the course started at the Provo Temple and ended at the new City Center Temple. (I say new because it is announced, but it is far from finished, as you will see from the picture.)

I thought this would be great practice for the girls since we have Trek coming up in two weeks. And I will not name names, but I think one little girl in particular definitely needs some practice walking around without whining.

We arrived near the race with only minutes to spare. And we didn't even make it up the hill to the start before the people were racing past up. We finally gave up and just entered the flow of traffic. I do not feel badly about this, because I didn't buy a timing chip, so there was no need to pass through the gate. And we let all the fast runners go by. But there were thousands of people and I wasn't going to sit there and wait for everyone to pass. Here is a shot from the sidelines. (See, you can see the starting line up there. Almost.)

And I had this idea that I would take a picture of the kids in front of each temple, but that went out the window in the crazed throng of people. This is the best I got. (Be impressed. I am still getting used to taking pictures with my phone, since the camera is still in ID.)

We walked the whole time since I was strolling the littles. All the volunteers were missionaries so we waved as we went. There were landmarks they posted along the way, like Council Bluffs, and Fort Something or Other, but I didn't stop to read the signs. McKenzie and Adi came with us, so we had a good time chatting along the way. The weather was perfect, all overcast and cool. Seriously, it was a very nice walk. I'm a little worried for my wussy child who was struggling.

We crossed the finish line at 56:00. I turned around to snap a picture of the finish line.

And then we got the after picture. Kind of. You can see the unfinished temple in the background. The spires aren't on yet.

Then it was mandatory to go get Jamba Juice, because we all deserved it. (Some of us more than others.) Delish.

See, there is Miss Adi.

And don't forget these gorgeous ladies.

We had a great time hanging out. I love going out with the girls.

 And it is fun to have friends along as well. Love a gaggle of girls.

Happy Pioneer day. We plan to finish the evening with ice cream, friends, and fireworks. It is a good day to remember those who came before, and celebrate.

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