Sunday, July 14, 2013


This last week was so fun. And busy. I have some HUGE news that I'm not going to tell you right now. Because I am mean like that.

Instead, I'm going to post some pics of some people I love.

I got to hang out with Sarah again, happily. And sadly, because she is moving. But even living near her for a moment was great. And because of her, I got to meet all her great sisters somewhere along the way. Including Abby who was in town visiting this last week. I feel like I have accomplished something great getting to know these ladies a bit more.

p.s. That picture reminds me of snakes, but you had to be there.

And the kids had a good time too. I love this huge web creation. Ivory is pretty proud of herself up there at the top.

And Sarah introduced us to a place in American Fork whose main course is Grilled Cheese. Possibly the first restaurant ever where none of the kids complained about what was on the menu.

We had some other visitors this week as well. Camille and Eric came back to visit and stayed with us. I now have a new definition of friendship. True friends are those that come stay with you in a house that smells like cat pee. When you are just walking around, it isn't too bad, but after the first night, in which they slept in the family room that houses quite a stench, Camille got up in the morning and said, "Yeah, you really can smell that."

I felt so bad that they had to endure that, but at least their boys slept in a clean room. They brought their littles with them, and although it was a little squashed in the house, I wouldn't have it any other way. We barbequed and played at the splash park. We had a great evening chatting with the girls at GNI, and we bought Eric a new game for his birthday (King of Toyko) that we played many times.

The boys were so cute. Pearl was quite smitten with Carter. (She adores babies.) She tried to be soft, but some of her affections just knocked him over. Literally.

Cannon was one busy little guy. He emptied cupboards and kept us busy. He said 'thank you' in the cutest way. And even June had a hard time capturing him.

She was taking pictures for us the last day. Check out these of Carter.

And then we got the whole gang....minus some kids of course. We miss you guys already.

Tyler just downloaded pictures from his phone of the splash park, and I am way too lazy to go put them back where they belong in the text. So you can see them here at the end. It is such a fun park. The kids love it. And it is conveniently just a few minutes from our rental. See, something good about the rental. I knew there was something.


  1. I'm glad you're making so many fun memories for your kids - and so many friends as well. Dad and I pretty well hunker down in our house and wait for people to show up (which they have been doing - much to our surprise). Great pictures!

  2. Hey I know some of those people! ;)
    And now I have to go read and catch up on everything because you moved? and cut your hair? Where have I been?!
