Thursday, September 26, 2013


The HOUCKS!!  (houcks.....houcks.....houcks....)

Now that they have lived with us for a month officially, we decided to take some pictures of them. And what better place than the lovely canyon. The colors were just dipping into the autumn color scheme. They should be amazing in a week or so. So without further ado, I give you Doug, Kami, and Buckwheat. (You have to guess who is who.)

I would say they are really easy going people. A bit too serious at times, but besides that.

And their dog is pretty cute too. Look at his little paws on the frame.

They are amazing with our kids, and patient to be living and sharing space with a house full of girls. Really, the basement is NOT set up as a separate apartment. They share the kitchen and laundry and pretty much everything with us.

Basically they have become part of the family. We love them.

They are staying with us while Doug finishes school.

We get them at least until April...perhaps longer if the planets align.

Did I mention that they are in love? They are super cute.

Don't worry, we took some pictures of our family too while we were out enjoying the evening. The sun was setting, and the weather was perfect.

We stopped by some wild flowers and the girls picked a whole bunch. (Look for some in my hair later.) Here are some daisies together.

Ivory was digging the attention from the camera.

The girls found a large puddle and threw many of the flowers in there. I liked the reflection of my Fave 5.

Kami and Doug were nice enough to take some family photos for us. Look how well we blend in with the trees here. You can hardly see us.

The Aspen forests were stunning as always. I love how close they grow together and how beautiful they are.

As usual, we can never get everyone smiling at once. Can you spot the odd man out?

Kami caught an epic battle as we left the grove.

Tyler was lucky to escape with his life. Robyn makes one rough pirate.

June was loving the outdoors.

She found the biggest mushroom I have seen in a while. Don't worry, we didn't eat it.

We did sample some other foliage though.

Tyler decided to make our trip to the forest last forever.

There were so many names carved into the trees. I thought it was cool to see carvings from back in the 80s, and I'm sure there are many further back than that. Kami disapproved of our tree graffiti, but I thought it was very romantic.

It may take you a while to find our tree. For a better view, it looks like this.

Now you should have no trouble finding it.

I figure it was okay for Tyler to carve up a tree since I had already pulled off some branches. I can't help myself. The colors are so vivid and inviting for fall. My kitchen needed a boost into the season.

Happy Fall to you all.


  1. Have I mentioned how much I love your posts? You have inherited a wonderful sense of humor (from who, I wonder?) and have a real knack with words. I really look forward to meeting the Houcks!

  2. Oh Utah in the fall! I can't decided if I am really happy to be somewhere that doesn't get cold, or sad that we are missing my favorite season of all. I love your family in the trees, so cute.
