Thursday, September 19, 2013

Robyn's 9 Year Gallery

What what?? Yes, we finally have another gallery on here. Let's pretend that Robyn didn't have her birthday last April and that I didn't wait four months to take these pictures. We could also pretend that in the meantime Daisy did not have a birthday, so I am not that much further behind. That was fun. Let's play pretend again some time. You could come over and we could pretend that all my boxes are unpacked and I can find everything.

No? Well, instead, let's view some cute pictures. Robyn and I had a lot of fun. One evening when I was feeling particularly guilty, I did Robyn's hair and snatched her away. Of course, when I started the french braid, I missed a whole section of hair and then I didn't know what to do with it. Oops. But Robyn loved the finished product. (Even June asked for me to do her hair like that later.) Who knew I was such a modern stylist.

I love these pictures because I think they really show Robyn's personality.

At the end we had some kind soul take a picture for us. Sorry I look so tired. This was back in the cat pee days. (Not that I am looking much better now.)

Then I took Robyn out for a treat. She was so thrilled. She said she had NEVER had two scoops. This is probably true since we don't splurge like that when the whole family goes out. But when it is just the two of us, we have to live a little.


  1. She is darling, just like all your children. Great pictures, even if they are a bit late. At least you TAKE pictures. I don't even know where my camera is right now!

  2. Maleen!!!!! I'm in town and would LOVE to see you (you guys)...even if its just a drive by hello! Please let me know how I can find you since you moved. :)
