Tuesday, October 29, 2013

A Little of This and That

I used to think people were lazy to take pictures with their phones. I don't think that anymore. If the camera I have with me happens to be on my phone, I'd rather take a picture than forget the moment. And really, some camera phones are very nice nowadays. So, no judging from me from now on. The biggest problem I have is remembering to take the pictures off my phone and incorporate them into our other photos. Right now it hardly matters since I have been posting all over the map, but I hope to be more organized....next year. (That is a good goal.)

The school carnival was in September and it was fun. I gave the girls an allotted number of tickets and they went through them in about half an hour. Fast, but fun.

Daisy bought a balloon.

Ivory used her tickets to ride the golf cart with her teacher, Miss Frost.

The Waffle truck has been on my bucket list for a while. I kept thinking I would go find it, and then I would forget. But, it was generous enough to save me the time looking and it came right to Tyler's work. How convenient.

I should have taken a picture of the waffle, but I was too busy inhaling it. Super yummy.

One of my new year's intentions was to take the kids on dates. Well, I was doing well, and then the whole move thing happened. It all kind of got lost over the summer, but I started back up this Fall and have had a great time with the girls. June and I went to the Bead Fairy again. (One of her favorite places.) We made many fun things.

I love this necklace/earring combo June made. So festive.

I made some earrings, but had matching beads left over, so made a bracelet to match.

Robyn's date was a surprise. I told her that she would like it, but I didn't know for sure. I took her to the Ropes Course at Provo Beach Resort. They strap you in a harness and let you roam around the course which is in the air on two different levels. Robyn was really good at it. She would walk across ropes and tiny balance beams with no problem. We would race from one level to another and she would always win. It was quite fun. I didn't have my camera while we were up there, but here we are leaving the building.

Speaking of Robyn, she donated her hair to Locks of Love again. And she decided to change it up and get bangs.

This isn't a huge surprise if you have looked closely in the last couple posts. Robyn loves them, and they may have stirred some jealousy in other sisters. My guess is that she won't be the last one with bangs.

One of my really good friends, Sharon, came to visit. It has been a few years and it was so great to see her. I love that with some people it feels like you were never really apart.

I got a little crafty this season. I do have a strange love of Halloween decorations, so when Jenaca called me up to do a craft, that was a no-brainer. She had the blocks and vinyl, and I had paint and ribbon. I think it turned out really cute.

Then Tricia invited me to a craft night. It was....hmmm. It was deceptive. There were cute pictures on a website showing the possible crafts. I signed up to make three little pumpkins. (An argyle pumpkin, a candy corn pumpkin, and a cute chevron pumpkin.) However, upon arriving, I found out that it was ALL do-it-yourself. No template, no cheats, just me and three pumpkins from the dollar store. (Really, I could have bought them myself and done the craft at home.) There were some supplies, like tape and stickers, but they didn't stick very well. I free-handed the argyle pumpkin, taped my candy corn pumpkin and then thought long and hard about doing a chevron one. I could already tell the tape wasn't going to stick or make nice sharp lines and looking around the room, there were already some chevron fails on the tables. So, I skipped that one and made my own creation. And I really liked how they turned out. You can tell that the paint bled a little on the candy corn one, but I was not going to try and fix it. I called it good and actually really like my three little pumpkins.

Whew. That was very rejuvenating!

1 comment:

  1. That's a lot of stuff going on! Those crafts look awesome, and I LOVE that waffle place! I'm glad you liked it too, it's so good.
