Friday, October 4, 2013

Nice to See You Mister Winter

It snowed this morning. I am NOT ready for snow. Come on, we need a nice mild fall with warm afternoons and crisp evenings. It is possible that old man winter was just popping his head in for a moment, but I don't think it will be too long before he takes his position center stage.

But that is okay. I live in Utah. I love it. Despite the weather.

I'm pretty sure we won't see much of this for a while. I already miss the giggles and the water.

Those were taken at the cat pee rental during the summer. Whereas I miss the warm weather, do I miss the rental? Not a chance!

1 comment:

  1. I really missed out on so many things that I meant to do this summer to enjoy the warm weather! When it started snowing, I couldn't believe our summer was over already.
