Monday, October 28, 2013

Summer Birthday Fail

First, I forgot that I hadn't even blogged Daisy's birthday. FAIL. I only noticed when I was thinking of blogging June's and then I found Daisy's pictures. Ouch. I have never claimed to be perfect. (Although I may have mentioned coming close in some blog post. Please disregard that.) It is possible that I forgot to blog Daisy's birthday because we never really finished it. We were supposed to go swimming for her birthday. In fact, we were supposed to go to the new Provo Rec Center. However when we got there, the inside kid area was closed. (Thank you parents who bring children with diarrhea.) We could have just played outside, but I felt that I didn't want to spend a small fortune to miss half the experience. So we planned to come back. It is October and clearly it isn't happening. FAIL.

But I still have pictures of my cute Daisy Cakes on her birthday. We didn't completely forget her. We had presents. Grandma sent her a huge pack of gum. Here we are looking at all the flavors.

She got a Monster High doll and movie which have been very popular with all the kids.

Everyone gets their own set of scriptures when they turn five. At least I didn't forget that.

The new bike was perfect because she was just out of training wheels and the old neighborhood was perfect for biking around.

I went all out with the cake this time around. FAIL.

But we still sang and she blew out the candle.

And don't all kids love frosting? It is not until we are adults that we figure out how gross it is. (Yes, I know some adults still like frosting. I am not one of them.)

Daisy got balloons too. This one was her favorite.

I don't think she had a bad birthday, but I think I need to make it up to her next year. I have an idea...and if we don't move again, it might happen.

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad that Daisy enjoyed the gum (and equally glad that you gave me a hint about what she would like). Birthdays are fun occasions, even if nothing special is planned. In fact, I usually get to work on MY birthday!
