Wednesday, November 13, 2013


That number happens to be the date of JR and Jami's anniversary. See, this happened yesterday...

I am so happy for them. We took the kids out of school and went up to the Logan Temple.

Since the girls weren't able to go inside for the actual ceremony, they were super excited to see the couple come out. The Js were bombarded.

While the happy couple was busy taking pictures, we took our own around the corner. Kat took some of our family.

And we took some of hers.

It was so fun to see everyone. I love my extended family. And I love this picture. It just makes me happy. Kat and Kolby's boys are sure growing up.

Jami was so beautiful, calm, and collected. Love that she wore boots to stay comfortable.

These three are hilarious. Boots, Nike socks, and the infamous PINK socks.

They are a stunning couple, and they make a great family. Rozz and Jack looked great as well.

A wedding wouldn't be complete without the muscle shot.

What a great group of guys. I'm so happy to have married into this wonderful family.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, how I wish I could have been there. I thought about them all day. I hope this will be a wonderful marriage for both of them!
