Saturday, November 23, 2013

Frailty, Thy Name is Maleen

Maybe not so much frail, as fickle. See, I have always been one to think that Thanksgiving needs its own moment. Christmas supplies are in stores by October, and the songs start on the radio November 1st. People, there is too much of a good thing. Let well enough alone until after the turkey is digested.

Tyler had a reminder come up in his calendar that he should put Christmas lights up. In Utah it is important not to wait until the last minute because then you may be competing with snow and slick rooftops. (Unwise) So I agreed that we should get those lights up.

But somehow it put me in the Christmas mood, and I have really been considering decorating next Wednesday before Thanksgiving because if you think about the time the weekend is over, it will be December. I really don't like it when Thanksgiving weekend runs into December.

Can you tell where I am going with this??

I caved. Suddenly I was putting away all my pilgrims and turkeys and putting up Christmas trees. June was against the whole idea. She pointed out that we hadn't even done our thankful turkey yet. I knew this to be true, but I couldn't stop myself. And really, it didn't take too much convincing to get June on board. (Don't worry, we will still do the thankful turkey on Monday. It is tradition.)

After dinner we put on ornaments. The kids have their own tree and it is awesome. All the ornaments are unique and have history. I sit on the couch and hand them out and the kids go to town.

We have hand-me-downs from Grandma, plenty we bought, and lots of handmade ones.

Pearl was so good at putting ornaments on.

She was digging the whole scene. She is so little that she has forgotten Christmas. When I was putting up the stockings, she asked what all the 'boots' were for. Check out the finished product. Amazing.

We haven't found a good topper yet. All in good time. After all, it is not even December. What is the rush?

We celebrated our accomplishment with a chocolate orange. The kids flocked around Tyler like moths to a flame.

And yes, we got all our outside lights up. Please ignore the section that decided to burn out. You win lights. We aren't touching you again until Spring.

Please notice that I finally have a front window where I can put a tree. It is a wish come true. Let's see that tree from the inside.

That is my tree. Because I like to decorate too. The kids have their tree and I have mine.

So this week I am thankful that we can all be frail sometimes and change our minds. While I eat my turkey, I will be glad that I can take a nap next week instead of decorating the house.


  1. Wow - I am impressed with your industry. I don't know if we are going to decorate for Christmas or not, since we're coming to your house to celebrate. On the other hand - we CAN'T decorate for Christmas unless Tim puts away the Halloween Decorations (that is really over due).

  2. That is a good-looking tree! Christmas is really fun to decorate for, I have such a hard time waiting to do so!
