Saturday, November 9, 2013

It's Puzzling

We like to do a puzzle at Christmas time. The girls are really good at them. I thought we could do more than one puzzle a year and I even bought a cute Halloween one last year. The problem in our old place was that we really didn't have any space for a puzzle. So imagine how thrilled I was to have a little more space in the new place. In fact, I have a library that could be dedicated to puzzling if needed. I found this sweet little glass table when I went down for the Shakespeare Festival. It is the perfect size.

My mom donated a puzzle to christen the table. Didn't take the girls too long to put it together.

Of course we did my Halloween puzzle. It was quite tricky.

Made trickier by the fact that we didn't look at the picture on the box. It took us forever to figure out that the bat was upside down. (Tyler was the genius there.) The moon was the last part done and we all decided this one would be better framed than in a box. (Read: It makes a great Halloween decoration and we don't have to put it together again.)

Here is another puzzle we put together.

We don't always have a puzzle going. Often we use the table for games. But how nice to have a place that can be puzzling.


  1. How pleased I am that the puzzle I gave you 'baptized' your puzzle table. Mike took our puzzle table in the Loft for his schoolwork, so I don't have a place to do puzzles any more. Ah well, I guess I could start cross-stitching again.

  2. I love doing puzzles! I seem to have lost all of mine in the move, but I keep wanting to buy one and start it on the table we never use. Maybe this is just the kick I needed.
