Saturday, November 2, 2013

June's 11 year Gallery

One day I took some pictures of June. But it was one of those strange days when lighting was off and nothing seemed to work. Almost every picture had terrible glare on her glasses and I couldn't get it to work right. So, I scrapped that session and gave it a go another day. I was much happier with the results the second time. Oddly, we left in a hurry and June didn't even change what she was wearing, but it is the real her. Sometimes when I dress them up too much, they don't feel natural.  June sure is growing up. I think she is a beautiful girl. Enjoy the pictures.

There were a couple that I did like from the first shoot that I will put on here. I think they show her personality well. Plus the last one is pure JUNE.

Love my first girl. She is such a joy in my life. And very loving. She never lets me go anywhere without giving me a kiss first. And I have a scheduled amount of time I have to spend tucking her in. She keeps track and if I miss, I have to make it up. Funny girl.


  1. They grow up so fast, don't they? I love how you take pictures of them on their birthdays and share them with us. As Grandma would say, "She's a keeper!"

  2. She is so adorable! These are some good looking pictures too.
