Thursday, November 21, 2013

Spirit Week and Reflections

We try to get involved during spirit week at school, but sometimes the themes are not something we have on hand, or are not really picture-worthy. For instance, in the past, they have had a day where you are supposed to wear clothes with your favorite team on them. (i.e. baseball caps, jerseys) Not so much at our house.

Or this time around they had a day where you were supposed to wear boots. The kids wore boots; I didn't take any pictures.

But, I did snap a couple on crazy hair day. (I'm just proud of myself that I got their hair done before they headed out the door. They go to school so early.)

I was able to take a little more time on Daisy since she goes later. When I finished her hair, she said, "Mom, that's not crazy, it is pretty." I did two french braids in opposite directions. And she does look pretty cute.

But come's a little crazy.

The only other day I took a picture was 'Dress like a teacher' day. Robyn put her hair up and donned glasses to look like her teacher, Mrs. Pitardi. Not too bad in my estimate.

I wanted to post these spirit week pictures before discussing Reflections because it so happened that the Reflection award night fell on Crazy hair day. So when my children look a bit strange, you can know that it was all planned. (The other days when they look excuse really.)

June did enter two categories, but we haven't gotten them back, so she will get her own post. (Different schools are on different time tables.)

Oh, the theme this year was, "Believe, Dream, Inspire" (Very vague, if you ask me. But they often are.)

Robyn entered two categories as well. First was literature. She wrote this poem because she was inspired by Dr. Seuss.


You see I'm a little thing
that lives on your dresser
and makes it even messier.
Woo hoo and you clean it
and your mom takes you out for ice cream.
Yippee, Yay! All is good, all is new.

except I'm still here.

There was some controversy regarding this piece. The kids received a white ribbon for participating and a red one if their piece moved on to the next level. As you can see from this picture, Robyn got a white ribbon.

However, when I went to pick up her poem, they had photocopied her artist statement onto the front. That is fine, except that they covered up the last small line of her poem. The line that I think brings the most humor to it. Without the last line, it doesn't have the same effect, in my opinion. I asked the lady in charge if the judges had seen the original, and it turns out...they didn't. Well, it was too late now, or so I thought.

I guess it really bugged the lady in charge, who happened to be the one who covered the last line of the poem. She looked back at the voting in hopes to feel better if Robyn's piece was not a contender, but in fact, it was the runner up. So she came back to my house later and asked for Robyn's poem. She said she would send it to the next level where it could be voted on again. That was very nice of her. Robyn's poem is cute, and although it is not the most outstanding poem I have ever read, it deserved to be judged correctly.

Robyn's only response to this whole story, "But, I didn't get a red ribbon." (Ah, kids.)

The other category Robyn entered was art. I liked her piece, but I think she entered it more to enter something, than because she was believing, dreaming, or being inspired.

Ivory entered photography. She thought a lot about what to photograph. She said she is inspired by my crosstitch pieces and she wanted to take a picture of one. I eventually had her photograph her own piece that she is working on. She is so excited to be close to finishing.

Daisy also entered photography. I did not help her at all, but I think June was instrumental in getting ideas from Daisy and helping her form a concept for the picture. They did a good job. Here is Daisy's picture. She wants to be a gardener someday. (She does not get this from her mother.)

Daisy's piece is moving on the next level. Good job!

Weird. June JUST got home from school and what was she holding?

Must be kizmet. So, I'll go ahead and talk about her entries. She entered literature with this poem:

Daisy Ash at five years old

I want to change the world greatly.
Even though I am little, I know that I can become big.
I can change technology. I'll do something wonderful!
I dream about it each day. I will have a great success.
I know that I can do it, with all of my small girl heart.

Twenty years later

I have changed the world greatly.
Even though I was little, I've become a great success.
I have changed technology, and saved many peoples' lives.
I have found a cure for AIDS, and also one for cancer.
I'm a successful doctor that has changed the world greatly.

Sixty years after that

Now I'm a great-grandmother, with two daughters, seven sons,
And thirty-two grandchildren. I'm a happy retired doctor
Who has changed technology and saved many peoples' lives.
I hope that all my children, and all of my grandchildren
Will have the same dream as me, and will change the world greatly.

June Cazier

And she made this art piece:

Her trophy was for her literature piece that will move on, and the medal is for participating in art. (Ignore the red ribbon--the schools do things differently.)

Reflections is always very fun. I'm thinking about starting my own home version where I give the kids a theme and have them do something creative. I love to see them at work.


  1. It is great to see that the creative gene (both Grandma and Grandpaul had it) is being passed on to the younger generations. And I wouldn't be surprised if some of it comes from Dad's family as well!

  2. I love it. I love to see all these amazing little girls doing things and putting themselves out there. They are fantastic. Crazy hair and all :)

  3. Crazy hair day seems so awesome, I wish my school had done that growing up! Those poems and art work are really cute, good work girls!
