Wednesday, November 6, 2013

'The Celebrated Vegetable of Fall'-Land

Pumpkins are the child of Fall. I would say they are in close competition with colored leaves for taking over as the official mascot. It seems to be mandatory that we visit Pumpkinland. Sadly, when we went to pick out our pumpkins this year, it was too late in the day to go into Pumpkinland. (Sneaky mom may have planned it that way.) I had already attended with one of the kids and knew that another would be going soon, so I figured it would be okay. Plus, I was planning on taking the older girls to a bigger corn maze. (Yeah, that didn't happen.)

The girls still had fun picking out their pumpkins. Although for future reference I should remember that the small pumpkins rotted before we could carve them.

And a group shot.

Daisy was the kid I got to go with to Pumpkinland. I was assigned two girls, besides Daisy, to chaperone and I brought Pearl along for good measure. There were a lot of kids there that day. I think this is some of Daisy's class.

It was nice to have only a few kids to watch over. Naturally I lost half of them in the first five minutes. My girls decided they would skip the maze and head straight to the play area. (Fine by me.) But some other mother was confused about which way to go and sadly two of my girls followed her right into the maze instead of watching me. I turned around and realized the mistake two seconds too late. So much for avoiding the maze. Now I had to go in and find my recruits. It didn't take long to find them, especially since Daisy was crying her little heart out because she was 'lost.'

But it was nothing a few cutout pictures couldn't cure. I know it is hard to see them, but here is my group.

And Pearl joined in now and then.

Cute little pumpkins.

Definitely Thing 1 and Thing 2 at our house.

I'm glad I got to spend time with Daisy.

 And next year my goal is to really make it to a large cornmaze. The girls would love it.

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