Thursday, November 28, 2013

Turkey Day

It was really a great day. Games, food, good company, more food. It all begins around here with pie for breakfast.

The day was low-key. People trickled in and out. Friends and family. I spent some time making some dishes to share. Try this one. Very yummy, and I even made it gluten free for my new SIL.

Tyler helped Renaldo (pictured with the pie up there) fry a turkey. Look at this bird cooking away.

Three minutes per pound, I think. And very tasty. Look at this finished product.

JR does our turkey carving.

Look at the spread. Amazing.

And the people didn't look bad either.

Some kids from the branch came as well. It was a full house. Kat and I browsed the ads because we are venturing out on Black Friday tomorrow. (Yes, we are brave souls.)

We played some fun games. Jami introduced us to Wackee Six. You really have to have your wits about you to compete. And Uno Attack is always fun.

I hope your turkey day was a good one. Now for a long winter's nap.


  1. You certainly married into a good-looking family, and since you're the best-looking of OUR family (with the possible exception of Miranda), there are a lot of 'beautiful' genes floating around. Glad you had a great day.

  2. That looks like an awesome turkey! I want to try a deep fried one so badly!
