Saturday, January 18, 2014

Laser Tag

We met on Friday to carry out the largest Laser Tag Birthday Extravaganza yet! We had 17 players, which made for a pretty good game.

It was Caleb, who had been practicing all week with lunges at his desk, who came home the overall winner. He served up 89 kills, which is impressive by anyone's standard! I'd have to check, but I believe that's the record for most kills in one of our sessions! He also had the best accuracy, landing nearly 1 in 10 shots (8.75%)

Dorel was the people-choice "Most Improved" player since last year since he managed to shoot 29,360% more than he did last year (yes, he only managed to fire his laser 5 times last year).

There were a few first-timers among us including Suzy Iverson (Caleb's wife), Lisa Patterson, and Adam Johnson.

I couldn't help assigning a few titles based on the results of the laser tag match:

  • Doug was the most "Trigger Happy" with 1750 shots
  • Lisa was "Immortal" with only 14 deaths (the next best is 23 deaths)
  • Brett was the "Ammo Conservationist" firing a mere 534 shots
  • Paco earned the "Most Killed" distinction
  • Tyler got the "Best Kill / Death Ratio" at 2.28
Here's the tabular data, sorted by rank.

Num Team Player Rank Shots Accuracy Given Taken K:D
20 Red Caleb 1 1017 8.75 89 45 1.98
22 Red Tyler 2 1415 4.88 69 29 2.38
2 Green Ron 3 987 6.18 61 39 1.56
11 Green Matt 4 1181 4.74 56 35 1.60
8 Green Dan 5 1168 3.94 57 45 1.27
9 Green Maleen 6 1275 3.84 49 45 1.09
34 Red Adam 7 867 6.57 46 37 1.24
30 Red Suzy 8 626 7.35 46 45 1.02
15 Green William 9 701 4.85 34 40 0.85
26 Red Brett 10 534 6.18 33 40 0.83
12 Green Jeff 11 942 2.23 21 28 0.75
17 Green Doug 12 1750 1.14 20 35 0.57
13 Green Lisa 13 823 1.46 12 14 0.86
23 Red Langi 14 931 1.93 18 45 0.40
28 Red Arthur 15 1749 0.74 13 23 0.57
33 Red Paco 16 937 1.49 14 55 0.25
5 Green Dorel 17 1473 0.61 9 47 0.19

And here are the actual sheets in no particular order. Red team included Adam, Arthur, Brett, Caleb, Langi, Paco, Suzy, and Tyler.

 On the Green team, we had Dan, Dorel, Doug, Jeff, Lisa, Maleen, Matt, Ron, and William:

And the final note is that Red beat Green in an extremely close match. It was 328 to 319. Just two minutes before the end of the match, the score stood dead even at 312 to 312. It was probably an epic push led by the Stallion that pulled the victory back to the red side, but those details have been lost in history.

It is duly noted that Maleen was not the victor this time. When interviewed regarding the podium, Maleen did not seem to feel that her game had declined. "If anything," she said, "the others are just starting to hit their stride. Finally there's some competition." 


  1. You forgot to mention another first - you didn't come in first! And Tyler actually scored higher than you (didn't he?). Guess you must be slowing down as you get older. (Ha, ha, ha) Sounds like you had a lot of fun, which is the main point.

  2. Actually, I didn't mention ANYTHING since Tyler wrote the post. But I would have said something about NOT coming in first. I don't think I am slowing down. I think the guys are finally getting better. :) Plus, I have always thought it was a fluke all those years that I won. Perhaps it has something to do with the suits? It seems red team always wins. But I am perfectly content to come in at 6th. And I haven't been FIRST every year. Just MOST years.
