Tuesday, January 14, 2014


I would like to print a formal apology to my father. After a little more digging, it turns out that he was not as far removed from the game as I thought. When he spoke of the 'Christmas Devotional,' he was not making reference to the Church wide Christmas Devotional given on the first weekend in December, but instead to our family gathering on Christmas Eve, when Tyler read from Luke 2 and my Dad read The Three Trees.

That makes more sense now.

On the previous Christmas Eve we dressed up as the characters in the nativity. But this time around, the kids had dressed up in primary the Sunday before, so I didn't feel as great a need to dig out all our bathrobes and headbands.

However, because of a change in callings, I am now in primary with the kids, and I happened to have my camera that day, so I took some pictures. In Junior primary, Ivory and Daisy weren't involved, but in Senior primary, they had to use every last kid to fill the parts.

Robyn was chosen as Mary. She did a good job and was very reverent. (Except maybe she was a little irreverent when she and Gabriel were laughing back and forth.)

I thought it was really touching as Mary and Joseph shared a hymnbook.

June was an angel among the hosts.

I liked this last scene when everyone was gathered around the sweet family. The kids all did a fantastic job.

So Dad, I love the story of the Nativity as well. And that was a perfectly good memory to choose from your time here with us. Please accept my apologies.

1 comment:

  1. This looks really great, and like it was really fun, good idea.
