Wednesday, February 19, 2014


I would like to have one topic on which to write a post, but it doesn't seem to be that kind of month. Or perhaps I am just not in that kind of mood. There just tends to be all these tid-bits that don't hold their own, and so go nicely in a blog salad. Oh, and speaking of salad...

I get bored easily in the kitchen. Well, that isn't the right word. I love to cook, but I keep wanting to find new things, and try new recipes. On our anniversary, I picked up a fun cookbook by Michael Symon's. I have been using recipes here and there and have liked almost everything I have tried. Plus, I have tried things that my younger self would never contemplate preparing. Last night was Bricked Grilled Chicken with White Bean Salad. There are so many reasons I wouldn't have made this even a few years ago. But make it, I did. Well, I got the ingredients out. Tyler is always in charge of the grill, and I happened to be picking up a child when the salad needed to be made, so he did that as well. (But, I practically made it.)

It was fantastic. Check out Tyler cooking the chicken under a brick.

And the finished product.

I'm still not sure if I like olives, but the Kalamata olives in this were perfect. Mom, you must be so proud that your pickiest eater turned out okay after all.

The weather around here has been okay. (Superb compared to half the country.) It rained enough to finally melt the last bit of snow that was hanging on. The sport court was once again revealed and all the kids rushed out to play. Nothing like a nice sunny day to draw all the bears from their den.

I would love to remain snow free for the rest of the season, but I'm not holding my breath.

Tyler got a new toy at work. It is called a Cintiq and it is used for drawing. (Tyler has been dabbling in cartooning and animation. That should be a good blog post one of these days.) He took all the kids to see it and they each made their own original piece of artwork.

They have no idea how spoiled they are. Tyler brought his Wacom pad home and the kids have been using that as well.

Our President's Day was very low-key with children reading, doodling, and hanging out. Daisy donned these head phones and sat against my new backrest. (News flash: There is no music playing on the headphones, she just digs their stylish look.)

Some people (read: Pearl) can't stand being left out. If you leave, there is no guarantee you'll get your spot back.

And so ends another episode in the life of the Cazier's. Stay tuned for a big birthday coming up and yet another moment at the Science Fair.

1 comment:

  1. I would totally wear my headphones with no music. HAHAHA. I'm diggin it.
