Saturday, March 15, 2014

Fun For Everyone

Hmm....I haven't been satisfied with my blogging consistency lately. So, my personal goal for the next week is to blog every day. If I say it out loud (read: write it here) I am much more likely to stick to it. There. With that out of the way, let's do some birthday polishing.

Namely, we finally got over to the Fun Center for Ivory's birthday. Don't judge. It hasn't even been a month since her birthday. (Barely.) So basically right on schedule. 

The girls raced to the climbing wall first. Ivory went up like a pro. 

But the oldest two showed their style by going to the top.

There were many rounds of air hockey. (Parents remain undefeated.)

Pearl was VERY unsure of the Frog Hopper until she saw me grinning at her. Then she realized it was supposed to be fun and enjoyed the rest of the ride. My kids take up almost the whole row.

We did a little bowling. Oddly, I was terrible at it, because the balls were small and had no holes. I can't seem to roll a ball straight without holes.

We even did the inside miniature golf course. I really liked all the black-lit pictures on the walls. My favorite was the 'shark tank'.

At the end, we tried to get a group photo. 

The light was atrocious, but at least you have proof that we all were there. (You have proof that I was there, because who else would be holding the camera??) Trust me, Tyler wouldn't hand over his phone/camera to just anyone. Haven't you seen this skit?

Lovely day together. It was Priceless. (You know, that kind of priceless that costs a ton of money, but makes your kids remember you were good parents who took them places at least three times a year, or so.) 

1 comment:

  1. I hope you have some good memories like this of when you were a kid. Looks like you all had a lot of fun - wish I could have been there (I rock at Miniature Golf).
