Thursday, March 27, 2014

Let's Pretend it's Not Thursday

This week has been eventful. Busyness is our style. I'm looking forward to a calm evening tonight in which we have nothing going on. We may even bust out some 'Hole in the Wall' and let the kids see what people do when they possibly lose all self-respect. Or maybe I will catch up on some reading with the kids. (Take your pick: Land of Stories, Little House in the Big Woods, Ever After High, Radio 5th Grade, all in progress.)

The kids also rediscovered chess. Robyn almost beat me last night and June plays it incessantly. It won't be long before I lose my title of 'undefeated.' (Mostly, because I'm not that great at it. I have some brilliant moves, but my problem is cornering the king. Tricky little devil.)

This week brings the conclusion of the Science Fair. June had a lot of fun taking the day off from school and playing at BYU. She loves climbing walls. This is where I found her when I came back. (Parents were not allowed on sight during the judging.)

Didn't take her long to scale the wall.

She also got to try a flight simulator. Interesting, but I couldn't watch for long. (Darn motion sickness.)

I did not get a picture of her by her project, but they take one for you and post them in two weeks. So, I guess there will be one more picture somewhere along the line. She did not win any awards at this level, but I am very proud of her hard work.

Last night was 'New Beginnings' which is a program our church puts on for the young women. June will turn 12 this year and graduate from primary to the next stage, so she was invited. Their theme was polka dots, and the DOTS stood for 'Depend On The Savior.' It was a really fun evening, filled with many, MANY polka dots. Everyone was wearing polka dots (except yours truly who was not paying attention to the invitation and I was in stripes. Classic.) and all the decor was polka dotted. Check out the refreshment display.

All the girls wrote on a polka dot how they depend on the Savior and taped it on or near His picture. So, I got a shot of June. I think she will really enjoy Young Womens.

I have a lot more random photos, but I'll save them for another post. I really want to go do dishes and laundry right now. (Ha, ha....just kidding. I'm going to go make lunch and read a book.)

1 comment:

  1. How exciting that she's finally going to be in YW! She will have so much fun there!
