Saturday, May 24, 2014

Surprise Vacation

Tyler has a conference with his company each year. They have always held it within an hour's drive of his work place. But this year they decided to migrate a little farther. At first I heard they might be having it in Vegas. I told Tyler I would miss him, but I would see him when he got back.

Then they changed it to a different location that inspired us to take the entire family. We didn't tell the kids right away. Tyler really wanted to tell them in a fun way. (Which was nice, since I am usually the one that does all that stuff.) He made them individual cards and then put them on the table one morning, bright and early.

Each child opened their card and this is what they said:

They figured out that they should combine their letters. Robyn was the first to start piecing it together. It didn't take them long.

Do you already know??


We weren't really planning to taking the kids until next year, but with the discounts associated with the conference, it made sense to take the kids this summer. Pearl is probably the most excited, and she has no idea what Disneyland is. But if a stranger comes over she corners them and says, "Guess what?? We're going to DISNEYLAND!!"

Luckily, I don't think she will disappointed.

Here they all are in the morning with their cards. They look happy, if not a little sleepy.


  1. Yay! So happy for you! That is such a fun location to have a conference at :) I sure hope it's going to be amazing!

  2. I would be lying if I didn't say that I am a little jealous. When Brian found out while talking to former co-workers he almost didn't tell me. When he told me I, half jokingly, said "Why did you change jobs and move us across the country?". It will be fun. So excited for you.

  3. You have no idea how excited I am that I will be able to spend time with you at Disneyland. I am especially looking forward to seeing Daisy and Pearl meeting Disneyland for the very first time. Won't it be fun?

  4. That's such a great idea, doing the cards like that! And how fun that the conference will be there - way better than any of the conference locations we ever had!
