Monday, June 23, 2014

Daddy, We Love You

Father's Day was super fun, if by fun, you really enjoy sitting in a car for 13 hours with occasional stops at gross public restrooms. We didn't really feel like that was fair to Tyler, so we decided to have a redo the next day.

It wasn't the most elaborate plan, but we felt good about it. The girls made cards. (They are good at that.) And we used up every balloon we had left. Luckily we had just enough to spell out HAPPY FATHER'S DAY. See.

Of course, since we used all viable balloons, when some of them had holes, there wasn't much we could do. So, our sign looked more like this. HAPPY FATHEr's DAY. June thought it was very funny when the balloons shrunk down. She made a special sign.

If  you can't read that, it says Someone tooted next to this unlucky balloon. 

Surprise DAD!!

We gave him all the cards which he opened and read one at a time.

Then we also left special notes in the balloons. He popped them one by one.

We also got him a grill basket and raspberry sticks. (His secret weakness.)  It wasn't the fanciest Father's day, but we sure love this guy.

I should mention that we love our Grandpas as well. After all, they were pretty good dads to me and Tyler. Happy Father's Day all around.

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