Sunday, June 1, 2014

Robyn's 10 Year Gallery

It is the first beautiful day of June, so I decided you deserved something special. And what is better than a gallery?

Almost nothing.

I usually run about a month or so behind on these. Which is strange because they are pretty important to me. I guess it just holds true that you have to make time for the things that are important to you. And Robyn is one of the most important things in my world right now. She is smart and funny, sassy and sensitive. She is at a wonderful age where she is still a kid and enjoys the wonders around her. But she is old enough to understand harder concepts and speak her mind. She is concerned with doing the right thing. She is concerned with her sisters doing the right things as well. (Do you sense some mild contentions?) She is super concerned about her eyesight recently. I don't know if she is caving to the glasses-wearing sisters she is surrounded by, or if she really has some sight problems. All will be revealed eventually. These may be some of the last pictures of her without glasses. (Although my vote is that she can see okay.)

Enjoy this gallery.

I took her to Thanksgiving Point this year. We did Fotofly family pictures up there earlier this year (Man, I'm behind on posting those.) and I noticed how fun the grounds are behind the water tower. It isn't the famous 'gardens' but you can see that there is plenty of variety.

Naturally we grabbed some lunch and a treat together. That is one of the reasons I like doing these photo shoots. One on one time is pretty precious.

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