Sunday, June 29, 2014

Week Four was Not a Bore

Can you believe that a month of summer is practically behind us? Even though it is speeding by, I feel we are getting our worth from these toasty days. This week we had some fun adventures.

Monday we constructed. Who needs blocks when you can use marshmallows? And toothpicks. (But I don't recommend snacking on the toothpicks.) Daisy started right off with a bouquet.

Robyn made one of my favorite pieces. This is Olaf. Check it out. He has his own personal flurry. And if you look really closely, you can see that he is impaled. (She is so creative.)

Pearl started off by making many kebabs.

But she got the hang of things as time passed. I was impressed.

I think she is going for longest creation here.

Ivory worked on one piece for quite a while. She kept adding and adding. I don't know what it was, besides super wicked cool.

She was inspired by Pearl's piece and made a tripod. (There's that word again. Two books down in the series. One to go.)

We had company that day. Curtis is our neighbor. But he knows we do cool stuff at our house, so he comes over randomly. We enjoyed his creations. I can't remember if he was working on a tepee or a campfire. And on the plate in front of him, he made this awesome construction that, when spread out, looked kind of like a tie fighter.

June was totally into the marshmallow architecture. I thought this guy would fit in well at Monster's University.

This skyscraper was impressive.

She made an assortment of stars. They were dazzling.

I had to try my hand as well. (Please do not think that creating is just for kids. My brain loves to play too.) Check out my ferris wheel.

And I know this doesn't use a lot of marshmallows, but it is what came to mind. (One of my neighbors said I'm morbid. I have no idea what she is talking about.)

Who says you shouldn't play with your food.

Tuesday we tripped up to Salt Lake. I feel like we live in a great location. Not too far away from fantastic things. (Wait until you see some pictures from Tyler's trip to Moab.) I thought it would be fun to take the kids up to the temple again and go see the visitor's centers.

We parked across the street. Love all the fountains they have around the City Creek Center.

We went to the South Visitor Center first. (There are two.) It seems to focus on the temple itself, including construction information and a model. The girls saw Moroni and were so excited. They said, look how big he is. Is that the real one?

I laughed. I told them that some Moroni's were taller than the room we were standing in. (We looked it up later. There have been several versions of Moroni ranging from 6 feet 8 inches up to 20 feet.)

They had a model of the temple with a cut away so you could see inside to the rooms. It was really neat. I know it is on display, but I still didn't feel right taking a picture of the inside. So I got a picture from the other side. But I love that you can see the reflection of the real temple in the glass.

Then we got one more picture of the beautiful Salt Lake Temple. Some of the circular windows were open. I'm not sure if I have ever seen that before.

One of the things I love about Temple Square is all the sisters who serve there from all over the world. Each sister has a small flag under her name tag to identify her country. We talked to Sis. McQueen from New Zealand. She was so nice and gave us a map of the grounds. Here she is with her companion from Mexico.

Outside I took a group photo. (Not the easiest, but I like to remember that I was there.)

Either it has been awhile since I have walked around the temple, or they have moved things around. I don't remember all the stunning statues.

Now to the North Visitor's Center. This one is famous for the Christus statue. There is something so moving about this particular depiction. A kind lady took a picture for us.


We spent some time after and went to a special movie they have there. It was about families, and they have you move to different decorated areas to watch sections of the film. It was like being in the movie, kinda. It was really neat and all the kids had a favorite section. (Most of them liked the baby's room.)

As we were waiting to be escorted to the movie, we viewed the art depicting the life of the Savior. I was surprised to see a connection I have never seen before. I believe most people have seen this picture of the Savior's resurrection. It is a very popular Easter scene.

Well, I was looking at this picture of the Savior teaching. (I think it might be the Sermon on the Mount.) Look closely at the woman to his right. It is Mary Magdalene from the resurrection scene.

I think that is very significant.

Our time drew to a close and we had to return home. But we stopped back by more fountains on our way out. Pearl looks like this fountain is going to attack her at any moment.

The splash pad was fun and we took off shoes and ran around for a minute before heading back home.

Wednesday we did a fun art project. It is called Line Design with shading. It is probably a little advanced for my younger children, but I really enjoyed what the older kids came up with. It is a bit time intensive. I worked on mine for the rest of the day and finally finished it. But the others are working on theirs in stages. I love how they are all different. Each has a style of its own. (Left to right, top to bottom: Maleen, Ivory, Robyn, June.)

Thursday we baked up some cinnamon rolls and then distributed many because it was a large recipe.

I barely got a picture when we got back because they were consumed so quickly. I agree with June. We should have saved an extra pan for our family. One was not nearly enough.

Friday we should have been relaxing with a movie, but we went to a friend's house and played. Thanks Chelsea for having us over. It was so fun to see your new place and see how much your kids have grown. (She is one of the people who inspired me to print my blog.)

Then we had eye exams. I won't spoil all the big news. (New glasses deserve a post of their own. You will have to wait until they come in. Ivory's wait will be the longest since both of her pairs are broken. I guess that is what you get for doing gymnastics.)

We did get to come home and watch Brave. It has been a while since we've seen it. It was new for Pearl. She told me today that I was going to turn into a bear. (Guess it's time to shave my legs again.)

I know these posts are so long. I will try to be better about posting during the week. I might be able to manage it now that I am all caught up.

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