Thursday, September 11, 2014

Hidden Numbers

June had a project this month where she had to find a number in nature. The kids were ordered alphabetically and given their number in line. June had number six. (Yeah for last names early in the alphabet. In case you were wondering, my kids usually fall around sixth or seventh in their class. I only know this because everyone sat down and counted their class pictures one time. The closest we got to the beginning was five. Lots of A and B last names out there.)

We went and searched around the neighborhood. It is surprising what you can find when you are looking for it. These are our favorites. (Can you see them all?)

This is my favorite. June has taken this one earlier and I couldn't even see the six at first. She has a knack. (I just helped find the easy ones.)

Ooh, now that I think about it, I wish I could have found one of the zillion snail shells around the house. Don't you think there would be a six in it? Amazing what is built into the world.

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