Sunday, October 5, 2014

Time Out For Family

A.K.A. General Conference

I love General Conference weekend. I have mentioned this several times, but it is always the same. I look forward to it, I am never disappointed, and I feel renewed afterward.

The Primary (of which I am a part) usually makes a conference packet for the kids to use during the sessions. Somehow, we all completely spaced it, and never put anything together. Luckily, the internet is full of places to look and print things, and I threw something together at the last minute.

Here we are Saturday morning and the kids are already busily coloring.

The big hit was the one page that I did not find online. I have seen pages before where it gives you a place to color in the General Authority's tie, but I couldn't find, I made my own. Oddly, I think that was the page the oldest two liked the most. Check out the detail on these ties.

The littles got involved, although I'm pretty sure some of these ties are ahead of their time. (I think they were just designing their own fashion line.)

Tyler watched two sessions with us, but spent the rest of the time in Idaho. I'm really glad he got to go see family.

I spent my conference, stitching as usual. I now have three kids that join me. Amazingly, none of them need too much help now. They can count on their own and usually only come to me when they can't thread a needle. But I was busier than usual this year, since two of them finished the piece they were working on.

Ivory started this cute lizard a while back. She was so excited to finish her first project and add the golden bead eyes.

She has improved so much since she first talked me into letting her join the ranks of stitchers. When she started her second project today, I was impressed with how even her stitches were.

Robyn was the other finisher this weekend. She has worked long and hard on her project, which was rather ambitious for a first timer, but she did such a fantastic job. She is a natural.

She likes the bears. She immediately started another one. (It's a good thing I had fabric and thread on hand for these guys.)

I actually finished a project too. (It was a good weekend for us.)

Now we just have a lot of framing to do.

Conference was amazing! There were so many wonderful talks, and it was great to hear the kids talk about their favorites. Ivory was able to recall certain stories that she really liked. I am already excited to read them when they are available.

We still have the conference wall up. It was not quite as colorful as last time, probably because there were less candy incentives with it, but June read EVERY single talk from last conference. I'm so proud of her. I owe her a book and dessert at Kneader's. (You know, because the words from conference are things we KNEAD in our lives.'s a little cheesy.)

Tomorrow, I'll put up new pieces of paper. Ivory says they will be baptized and be clean again. Sure...whatever floats your boat. Just remember to stay in. (Shameless conference reference to M. Russell Ballard's talk.)

1 comment:

  1. It was an amazing conference, but I thought it was a bit ominous too. There were so many references to strengthening your testimony and relationship with the Lord that I fear the Saints are in for some rough times ahead - you know, separating the goats from the sheep kind of thing. Hmm - I've heard of a wolf in sheep's clothing. How about a goat in sheep's clothing? Think it would work?
