Sunday, November 9, 2014

Fifteen Years (We Have Been Together)

I need to distinguish this from the idea of fifteen years of marriage. Because we won't hit that mark until December. We once again celebrated our anniversary in October, instead of waiting until the dead of winter was upon us. It is so much better. Nuf said.

The weather was wonderful. (It is still wonderful. Winter, you are coming right? Are you planning to shock the socks right off us in one fell swoop? Because you sure are giving Fall plenty of time to shoot the breeze. Really, no complaints here...just wondering.) We didn't have big plans this year. We just wanted to spend some quality time together.

It was a Saturday and with a built-in babysitter (thank you June) we were in and out all day. We went to lunch at Cubby's. (Yum.) Then we actually went home and played 4-Square with the kids for quite a while.

When we left later in the evening, I wasn't hungry yet, so we went to the book store. I'm not sure what it is, but the book store is our magnet spot when all else fails. We walk around, discuss interesting topics, look for ridiculous books, and browse whatever suits us at the moment. There was a whole section of nice, thick books, like The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, or Grimm's Fairy Tales. Even the Bible was there. Tyler glanced over and saw Gray's Anatomy.

He picked it up and was flipping through it and found this note. It was so funny, we had to take a picture.

That person is right. It IS nothing like the show. It is simply a book about anatomy.

Selfie at the book store.

We did have one goal in mind for the anniversary. We figured we should get a nice picture of the two of us. The mountains were full of beautiful Fall colors so we decided to drive up the Alpine Loop and take a picture up there.

We drove until I was feeling a tad carsick. (Note to self: Maybe don't read in the car on windy roads.) Then it seemed like a good time to get out in the fresh air. We only took a few steps into the woods and saw a whole family of deer. I was walking and shooting (the camera, to be clear) and got a couple ears perked up.

We left them grazing in peace and found a location a little further on. With tripod and timer, it didn't take too long to get a good shot. Of course, with two people this good looking....

Thus ends the pictures for the evening. We didn't bother to take any more after that for some reason. On the way home from the canyon, we stopped at Bridal Veil Falls and sat down for a couple evaluation. I don't mean to be a braggart, but Tyler and I get along very well, but it is always fun to see where you can stretch as a team. We thought of 12 areas in our marriage that we could focus on and we are going to dedicate a month to each item over the next year.

For instance, this month we have been focusing on exercise. We have been walking together more and have played tennis a few times. (We'll call it playing, but most of the exercise comes from fetching the ball.) Tyler even went to boot camp with me one morning. It is really nice to think about one area in more depth. I look forward to exploring corners of our marriage that may be a bit dusty. I think a spring cleaning is just what we need.

Tyler is quite an amazing man. I feel very blessed to have him in my life. He is the silver lining on all my clouds. Fifteen years has been great. I sure love to be in love with him.


  1. You have no idea how pleased I am that you have a happy marriage. Being in one myself, I can assure you that there is no greater joy than to know that you are of supreme importance to at least one person in the world. May the next 15 years be as happy as the first 15 have been. (Next April we will hit 40 years!!!!)

  2. Happy early anniversary! I have a copy of Gray's (not as nicely bound) that you can borrow if you want. I like my Netter's Atlas more, but Gray's has some clinical correlates for great bedtime reading.
