Monday, November 24, 2014

Thankful Turkey 2014

It wouldn't be Thanksgiving time without a new turkey at the Cazier's. This is turkey number 9. Next year it will be a decade of turkeys. Crazy how time flies.

This year was Pearl's year to chose the turkey design. I usually just type 'turkey cartoon' or 'turkey drawing' into google images and let the kids pick the one they like. Then, we try to get as close as possible while still making it our own.

Luckily I am pretty good at looking at something and drawing freehand on my own. (Granted, this is usually with simple images. No shading or detail please.) I put my computer on the table next to me and minutes later I had this guy sketched.

Pearl loved him. She showed everyone her turkey and talked about him all the time. Here she is doing a flapping turkey imitation.

He didn't have a lot of wing space, so we drew messages all over his body. I liked how he turned out.

He looks like he is ready for dinner. Let's hope 'turkey' is not on the menu. Actually, we already ate our turkey this year. Tyler gets a turkey every year from his work, and he texted me the day it arrived. I told him, "Good, we can put it in the freezer next to the one from last year." (Since we never have Thanksgiving at home, sometimes I forget about the turkey.)

Tyler texted me the next day. "Want turkey for dinner tonight? I left it on my desk overnight and it is nice and thawed."

Don't worry, it was well packaged, so he didn't have a puddle on his desk. But I did cook the turkey so it wouldn't go to waste.

But we wouldn't eat this guy. He looks too...strange.

Happy Thanksgiving. May you be thankful for all your blessings.

1 comment:

  1. Next time you might want to put down what everybody actually wrote on the turkey, as it is too hard to read from the pictures. It looks like there is a lot of gratitude there, and I'm sure the turkey is just thankful that he isn't on the menu himself!
