Friday, January 30, 2015

Reflecting on Life

I think I have finally figured out the different levels of Reflections. I think this is the order:


In the past we have only gone to the district level, and never any farther. We have gotten to the district level several times, but that is all. Well, this year, we had two kids go on to Region.

June's literature entry received an award.

As well as Ivory's song.

If you want to reflect again on their entries, go here.

Shortly after that evening, we received another invitation to the Region's award evening. (That was pretty fast judging.) Ivory's song had done well, but it hadn't moved on, but June's story got an award of excellence and moved on to State.

Here she is up on stage receiving her award.

And her name in the program. Pretty cool. Only two entries per division in each category continue on to State. And two more are honored.

Later at home I got a closer look at her certificate, medal, and chocolate bar. (Pretty sure the chocolate was June's favorite part.)

I'm really proud of her. I don't even know if there is a National level. I guess we just wait to hear at this point. But it doesn't change how honored I am to be the mother of my girls. I love to witness their creativity.

1 comment:

  1. Nice to know the creative genes are still running strong! Between you and Tyler, the girls got a double dose. Not surprising that they're doing so well.
