Friday, February 27, 2015

Eight Leggers

* Ivory took the camera on a school field trip. She was very responsible, although the batteries ran out. (That is normal and why I don't use that camera.) She had all these fun pictures, but it isn't my story to tell. So you get a guest blogger today. Enjoy!

This is me, Ivory.

And this is my teacher, Mrs. Peterson.

This was my lunch for the field trip day. The animal on my lunch was the animal I was really looking forward to seeing.

Megan was my bus buddy friend on the way there.

Melissa and Megan on the way back to school. (In this picture only got Melissa).

These were the three annoying boys behind Me and Megan. We nicknamed them ourselves--The Three Annoying Boys Behind Us!

Goodbye school.


Salutations AQUARIUM! We have found our destination, we are at our arrival.

My group. (Me, Brooklyn, Isaac, Megan, and Ezra who is currently not in this picture).

A cute little tortoise after meal time.

Penguin swimming up on top, perspective from the bottom.

A toucan, a treasure from Brazil, Brazil was where my dad went on a mission.

A scarlet macaw parrot. How wonderful!

Polka dotted stinger ray.

Starfish topia!

The octopus! Bad perspective, right, don't you agree with me? 

Spiky sea urchin. (FYI there's a little puffer puff fish in front of it, tan.)

There's my crush. He was eaves dropping on us. He's the one covering his face with his hand. If he didn't do that you would see why I like him, HE'S SO CUTE!

* Looks like Ivory had a great time! And I think she will make an excellent blogger one day. 

1 comment:

  1. The octopus is one of my favorite animals too. In fact, when I got my mermaid nativity, I insisted on an octopus. It was the first octopus the artist had ever made - but she likes it so much she's going to be making more!
