Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Pearl's Birthday - Part 2

Kangaroo Zoo is such a weird place; just lots of blow up toys all over the place. Take off your shoes and go to town kids. I enjoy it simply because I really have no responsibilities. I bring a book, look up occasionally, and make sure I don't leave without all my children at the end.

Tyler even took over the camera, so I just relaxed in style. He got some great shots. He found each child in turn.

Some of the kids buddied up to play. Robyn was escorting the birthday girl around for a while.

Here's another pair.

Tyler caught me doing what I do best.

It is hard to catch all five kids at once. This is the best picture we had of all five.

Besides reading, I do cuddle the severely wounded. (Or even those less severe injuries.)

We couldn't leave without getting pictures of the fantastic Captain America, and his sidekick, Daddy's Girl.

They make a pretty good team, even when fighting crime takes a back seat to being silly.

To finish off the evening, we give you Pearl, doing impressions. This one might be Elvis.

I think this is Joan of Arc. CHARGE!!!!

There you have it. Pearl is five. Winter birthdays are in the past. Here we come Spring.

1 comment:

  1. Wow - hard to believe she's been with your for five years already. Your little family is growing by leaps and bounds. I can hardly wait to hug them all in person!
