Thursday, April 9, 2015

The Princess Popped In

Last year, June's class did a project called 'Images of Greatness.' They researched famous Americans. June was Laura Ingalls Wilder. This year, they would become people outside of US history.

June chose Princess Diana. It was a bit hard for long brunette June to imitate short blonde Princess Di, but we did the best we could with the help of a wig rental.

I think she looks pretty good, although very different from our usual June.

The evening was very fun. As usual, there were a million projects leading up to the final presentation. June's board looked very nice.

Her three objects that she used as props were a Red Cross symbol, since Princess Diana spent a lot of time helping the Red Cross, a baby doll, since Princess Diana loved children and was a nanny before she married, and dresses on sale, since Diana sold many of her lovely clothes to raise money for charity.

I love this picture because I think Princess Diana would have loved to meet Malala. She would have admired and respected her. (That is Hannah, in case you couldn't tell.)

The kids are all ready to present.

I really enjoyed the bio riddles and the costumes. See if you can identify any of these people*?

June worked very hard on her speech. She even added actions which most children neglected. Here she is saying, "Being a princess is a curse."

Here is the whole gang. Lots of history in this picture.

Afterward, we roamed around eating refreshments and viewing the boards. Here we see Princess Diana with Jane Goodall.

I managed to get a selfie with Princess Di. She was so gracious to take pictures with her fans.

And here is the Princess with Coco Chanel. (Sans wig. I think she looks a bit more natural as a brunette.)

It was an evening to witness many accomplishments and much talent. Good job kids, and good job parents. (We know you work hard behind the scenes.)

*(Answers to the costumes)

Charlie Chaplin
Joan of Arc
Pope John XXIII
Issac Newton
Leonardo Da Vinci
Audrey Hepburn
Berthe Morisot

1 comment:

  1. Dad and I are totally impressed by the quality of the costumes those kids came up with (or their parents!) I admit I had to look Berthe Morisot up as I had never heard of her before (but Dad had never heard of Malala). Amazing!
