Friday, May 22, 2015

Attitude of Gratitude

I know it is very important to be grateful for those things which we are given and things that are done for us. I've tried to instill this gratitude in my kids. Some days I think it is working. Pearl is very good at saying 'thank you' for things. I have other children pull me aside and express appreciation for meals and special planning. We aren't the best about thank you notes, (which the grandma's probably know) but we are trying to remember and express our gratitude for the many wonderful things we have.

Recently, the Bishopric was changed in our ward. After over five years of service, our Bishop and his counselors were released. It is such a hard job, with many thankless hours. Families sacrifice to allow husbands and fathers to be away. After being Relief Society president for two years, I know for certain that I would never want to be Bishop. He works hard. (Luckily I will never HAVE to be Bishop.)

For Family Home Evening one night, we decided to recognize the great men who had served and those who would be taking their place working diligently to keep the ward organized and afloat. I got the basic items, but the kids put their creativity to work making them special. I really like the finished messages.

Ivory's message was so creative: You are simply amazing. Lemme aid you as you work in the new presidency.

Daisy worked with Dad on her note: We're simply imprest fore all your hard doings. Thanke you frum the Caziers.

June used her good pun skills: You Simply did a good job. You worked Berry hard. :)

I liked Robyn's message: It's HARD to take on that calling. I can truly tell. You are simply extraordinary!!!

And for the man who used to be a counselor, but is now the Bishop: Thanks a bunch. We can Nutella how much we appreciate all you do.

It was good to take an evening to think about others and remember all the service that is given so selflessly around us. I hope my kids remember to have an attitude of gratitude.

1 comment:

  1. I remember when Bishop Garlock was released that they put together a book of memories for him. I wrote a poem for it (what else?) called "The Bishop Cried". Brother Garlock is an extremely emotional person. Good job you guys!
